[SUBS, Prime] Apple TV+ 1 Week Free Trial Subscription ($12.99 Per Month Ongoing) @ Prime Video

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[SUBS, Prime] Apple TV+ 1 Week Free Trial Subscription ($12.99 Per Month Ongoing) @ Prime Video

since this Free 3 Days of AppleTV+ deal was quite popular.

just saw a few days before that AppleTV+ has been added as a sub option through PrimeVideo, so you can get a free 7 Days Trial if you are on Amazon Prime this month.

maybe you didn’t get to watch everything you planned with the Free 3 Days deal linked above. I watched two movies and forgot about the last day.

regarding Ads, I have never gotten an ad when watching a sub through PrimeVideo. also fyi, the browsing system when subbing through PrimeVideo is pretty crappy at least when I did it before you werent able to “search” in a sub. I had more luck using the PrimeVideo general search box which shows you all results (including subs), but that’s because I knew that movie would be on the sub (justwatch au).

also some more info I recently learned. these 7 day free trials are recurring. makes sense to me now why they are only 7 days. it takes awhile and I only sub to Prime a few months a year so that might have something to do with it as well, but roughly a year later I got another Free 7 day trial for two subs I already used my Free trial with.

if I had to guess how many times recurring I would probably say 4 times to add up to the usual 1 month free trial subs offer.

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